Join the debate

Our aim with Nano&me is to provide balanced, easy to understand information about nanotechnology and be the hub of debate for everyone to discuss the important issues which arise from its use. Visit the site and let us know what you think…. www.nanoandme.org
If you would like to link to the site or discuss partnering with us to use the site as part of your own public involvement projects contact Hilary Sutcliffe on [email protected]
We apologise that some of the links on the site may not work. The UK government gave us a grant for this pilot site. We are currently fundraising to bring the site up to date and create the hub for debate that we think is so important.
Please contact [email protected] if you can help us!
Walking with Stakeholders/Emerging Technology Goverance/The Responsible Nano Code/Nano&me/Public engagement/Nano & Food
Walking with Stakeholders
We believe that communication and engagement between companies and their stakeholders is at the heart of strong governance and the appropriate use of new technologies. This project seeks to help stakeholders crystalise what they believe is important and useful to know and help companies explore how they can respond effectively.
Improved understanding of stakeholder concerns and greater clarity about what information, if shared by companies, will help alleviate those concerns and exploration of the possible responses by companies in stakeholder engagement and communication. Though this work can be applied across any technology, we will use nanotechnologies as the focus for this work.
Our approach
Stakeholder consultation
First we will work with stakeholders to explore what information they think is important and would find useful to learn direct from companies and what they believe should be shared with others, including the government and the general public. We will clarify with them the detail of their expectations and where when and how they would find information and engagement useful.
Business deliberation
We will explore these findings with business through the MATTER Business Group and in consultation with a number of trade associations and business groups who are interesting in debating with their members how businesses and governments may reasonably be expected to respond.
Output We will prepare a report and recommendations for business, government and stakeholders which we will communicate widely. This will feature a ‘business case’ for engagement, case studies on good practice and lessons from successes and failures.