Join the debate

Our aim with Nano&me is to provide balanced, easy to understand information about nanotechnology and be the hub of debate for everyone to discuss the important issues which arise from its use. Visit the site and let us know what you think…. www.nanoandme.org
If you would like to link to the site or discuss partnering with us to use the site as part of your own public involvement projects contact Hilary Sutcliffe on [email protected]
We apologise that some of the links on the site may not work. The UK government gave us a grant for this pilot site. We are currently fundraising to bring the site up to date and create the hub for debate that we think is so important.
Please contact [email protected] if you can help us!
About us
About Us Our Vision Our Approach Our People Governance Funding
Endowment funding
We believe that this organisation will provide an important and significant contribution to the successful, safe and inclusive development of new technologies in the UK. We therefore aim to secure an endowment of around £3m over five years in order to fulfill our role most effectively.
Foundation funding
We also seek funding from Charitable Foundations to support our work. We are grateful to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for providing start-up funding for the Responsible Nano Forum/MATTER.
Project funding
Additional funds are generated through the implementation of projects undertaken by MATTER alone or with partners. These projects may be funded by a number of sources including philanthropic individuals, charitable foundations, learned societies or academies, government departments, research councils, development agencies, businesses, the European Commission and International funding organisations.
Recent Projects
www.nanoandme.org is a pilot website for the general public. This was funded by a grant from the UK Government’s Sciencewise.
Walking with Stakeholders
The majority of this project was funded by members of the MATTER Business Group who each paid £5k to support this work. (comprising AstraZeneca, College Hill Communications, GSK, Leatherhead Food Research, Marks and Spencer, Nestle and Unilever) In addition a number of partners have also contributed in-kind support in terms of events, mailings, communications and are seeking further non-business funding for further consultation and public engagement.
Supporter Funding
We would also welcome funding from individuals or organisations who support our aims.
Please give us your support
If you would like to contribute funds to the ongoing development of MATTER, please contact Hilary Sutcliffe on 0207 520 9086 or email [email protected]